Meet Dusty and Cotton | Blog Post #1

Dusty is a very (very) energetic, chaotic, 3 year old Dachshund while Cotton is a very (very) energetic, chaotic, 1 year old kitten (two different species of animal have never been more alike than these two friends). And while you wouldn’t expect so from a dog and cat, they are the best of buddies, constantly playing with one another and getting into heaps of trouble – for example, Cotton will push their canned food lid off the kitchen counters so that Dusty can eat and destroy them!

While laundry and pets don’t usually go well together, when deciding to start a wash and fold laundry business, I couldn’t pass up the chance to name our business Dusty Cotton after our appropriately named dog and cat. And also in doing so, felt that these two animals have too large of personalities to not be shared with the world (or at least our customers). So please check back to the Dusty Cotton blog regularly for updates on these two crazy pets and their hilarious antics  (plus cute videos of the pet BFFs)! 

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