
Saying Goodbye to Onyx | Blog Post #7

We had to say goodbye to our 13 year-old Dachshund, Onyx, this past weekend. She wasn’t a namesake to our business (we couldn’t figure out how to work “Onyx” with “Dusty Cotton” in a way that made sense for our … Read More

July 4th Photo Drop | Blog Post #6

Dusty and Cotton had a nice mini-vacation the first week of July, spending some time on the Texas coast with the rest of our family!!! They had some very cute moments (captured on camera) over the week that I am … Read More

Loving Your Animals (But Not Their Clingy Fur) – Three Tips to De-Fur Your Clothing | Blog Post #5

If you are a pet lover, as we are in our family, I’m sure you have experienced the common problem of getting animal fur all over your clothing. It seems a constant battle, juggling the need to remain fur free, … Read More

Cotton’s Origin Story | Blog Post #4

Cotton the cat (I promise, we really don’t try for alliteration when we name our animals – see blog post #2 for reference) is our newest and youngest family member. We got her almost a year ago as a pet … Read More

Why I’m Doing Your Laundry (Instead of Teaching) | Blog Post #3

There is a reason that I have labeled this as a wife and husband (and, really, family) business: I have multiple sclerosis and I can’t accomplish this on my own.   After being a stay-at-home mom (and wife) and getting my … Read More

Dusty’s Origin Story | Blog Post #2

Dusty the Dachshund (while that is very nice alliteration, that wasn’t our intention when we named Dusty – we actually name all of our pets after their fur colors) is our three year old dog (more alliteration – Dusty, the … Read More

Meet Dusty and Cotton | Blog Post #1

Dusty is a very (very) energetic, chaotic, 3 year old Dachshund while Cotton is a very (very) energetic, chaotic, 1 year old kitten (two different species of animal have never been more alike than these two friends). And while you … Read More