Saying Goodbye to Onyx | Blog Post #7

We had to say goodbye to our 13 year-old Dachshund, Onyx, this past weekend. She wasn’t a namesake to our business (we couldn’t figure out how to work “Onyx” with “Dusty Cotton” in a way that made sense for our company) but she was still a very much loved part of our family, and we all (humans and animals alike) are mourning her loss.

Onyx joined our family 13 years ago as my “replacement baby”. During this period of our lives, we were having trouble getting pregnant (infertility is a very long and painful process) and, recognizing that I needed someone to nurture, my husband got Onyx for me. As a puppy, she was exactly what I needed during a time that I felt a great loss over not being able to easily have children. As each month passed, with every negative pregnancy test, she was my comfort!

And after being blessed with two sons (with fertility treatment and lots of money spent) she went from being my “replacement baby” to our beloved family pet. She and our boys grew up together, and just as she gave me the love and comfort I needed in the beginning, we spent the rest of her life giving her the same in return!

Our hearts are broken from her absence, but we are so thankful to have had her in our lives. We will cherish every memory we have of her and will miss the time we were a family of seven.

Goodbye Onyx! We love you and will forever miss you!

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